
On Nov. 13, 2012, Harbin Shangyang Packaging Co., Ltd. held a party branch expansion meeting with the theme of Celebrating the start of the 18th NCCPC with High Morale and Salute the Event with Record Breaking Performance.

On Nov. 13, 2012, Harbin Shangyang Packaging Co., Ltd. held a party branch expansion meeting with the theme of Celebrating the start of the 18th NCCPC with High Morale and Salute the Event with Record Breaking Performance. We learned about the spirit advocated by the 18th NCCPC at the meeting, and will remain true to the spirit to salute the 18th NCCPC with record breaking performance.

上一条:On Oct. 25, 2012, officials from Nangang District Government, Harbin paid a visit to Harbin Shangyang Biological Flexible Packaging Industry and offered constructive guidance on the project. 下一条:On May 29, 2011, a launching ceremony for the Apprenticeship Program 2011 was held by Harbin Shangyang Packaging.