
On Oct. 25, 2012, officials from Nangang District Government, Harbin paid a visit to Harbin Shangyang Biological Flexible Packaging Industry and offered constructive guidance on the project.

On Oct. 25, 2012, officials from Nangang District Government, Harbin paid a visit to Harbin Shangyang Biological Flexible Packaging Industry and offered constructive guidance on the project. Project managers listened to suggestions provided by officials carefully.

上一条:On Jan. 19, 2013, Harbin Shangyang Packaging Co., Ltd. was given the of Leading Package Manufacturer of Heilongjiang by Heilongjiang Federation of Packaging. 下一条:On Nov. 13, 2012, Harbin Shangyang Packaging Co., Ltd. held a party branch expansion meeting with the theme of Celebrating the start of the 18th NCCPC with High Morale and Salute the Event with Record Breaking Performance.